Tuesday, November 13, 2007

good news

no, not pregnancy good news.

but look! lori mama and blogger extraordinare, has given me the blogger flame of fortitude :)

as i muddle through yet another 2ww i'm not feeling very fortudinous, but i really appreciate the spirit lifting shout out.

so, in turn i'm passing the torch along to geohde, who just had a birthday and is always full of fortitude and also to dmarie who has made a commitment to health and is drinking lots of very very green shakes.


Lori Lavender Luz said...

Pomegranate's a good color on you!

Geohde said...

Oohh. Ta!

Now how do I figure out who hasn't already got one so I can redistribute? :)


Geohde said...

P.S. I thought that I was full of bad language more than fortitude!